Saturday, January 31, 2015

IDoser - Gate Of Hades

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IDoser Gate Of Hades is a dose brainwave that will give you a an unforgettable experience. You will brought to do a near death experience, journey to the hell or visitting the Gate of Hades. This is very strong dose, so don't mix it with other dose.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Brain Sync - Winning

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Whether you want to gain the winner's edge in sports or business, attitude is everything. Self-confidence is the single most important resource you can draw upon to beat the competition, and exceed beyond your expectations. When you feel self-assured, you are poised for victory. People gravitate toward you and support you in reaching your goals, because a winning attitude radiates charisma.  

Use this program to pump up self-confidence and unleash a powerful energy that will help you achieve any goal you set for yourself. Subliminal messages are woven with theta waves to induce states of deep relaxation; here your subconscious mind is most receptive to change. Theta has been identified as the ideal state for learning, and unlearning. As you listen daily, you’ll notice a dramatic increase in self-confidence. Debilitating doubts will be replaced with positive thoughts and feelings. You’ll feel ready to tackle any challenge. The messages will be received by your subconscious where they have enormous power to help you achieve, succeed, and triumph.

Subliminal Messages:
I play to win
I am a success
I have unlimited stamina
I am strong
I feel great
I am centered and focused
I am enthusiastic and full of energy
I revel in new challenges
I’ve got what it takes to win
I adjust effortlessly
I do the right thing at the right time
I am confident
I believe in myself
I achieve with ease
I am highly skilled
I trust my intuition
I possess unlimited potential
I am resourceful
I’ve got the winning edge
I know I will win, victory is mine!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Brain Sync - Ecstacy

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Open your heart to more love
Increase sexual energy and charisma
Reduce fears and inhibitions

Completely free of spoken words or guidance, this program delivers 60 minutes of music and frequencies designed to relax you while increasing sexual energy. Within minutes, music based on Eastern Tantric traditions opens and activates your heart and sexual chakras. You experience a euphoric rush of “releasing” and exaltation as endorphins flood your system. This rapturous state of delight removes psychic barriers, deeply entrenched inhibitions and fears. You are transported to a realm of sensual inspiration and attuned to experience peak pleasure and sexual fulfillment.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

IDoser - MultipleO

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iDoser MultipleO contains our advanced binaural beats that will synchronize your brainwaves to the same state as the recreational dose. Our MP3s are mixed and tested with the same quality and process we use for all other I-Doser products. They are the only way to get I-Doser approved MP3 copies of our doses. These are EXTREME doses. Advanced users only.

BrainSync - Attract Love

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How you feel about yourself produces a radiant energy field that influences how others respond to you. Recent research has revealed that the electromagnetic waves emitted from the heart are sixty times more powerful than those of the brain. Furthermore these waves can be measured ten feet from the body, and are instantly received and registered by those around you. When you feel good about yourself, when you appreciate who you are, people are attracted to you. With subliminal brain wave technology, your mind relaxes into heightened states of receptivity where messages of deep self-appreciation are effortlessly absorbed. As your heart opens to exude more personal joy, your inner magnetism expands to attract the love you desire.

This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude and "self talk" that dramatically increases your personal magnetism.

BrainSync - Guided Meditation

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Generate nourishing states of well-being
Obtain clarity and insight
Experience theta meditation

You want to learn to meditate, but your mind is busy, and it’s difficult to settle down and relax. No worries. Just slip on your headphones and let soothing Theta waves calm your nervous system and quiet your mind. This best-selling Brain Sync classic has helped hundreds of thousands of people to explore and experience meditation.

You are guided to create an inner sanctuary, a place where you can go to regenerate the very core of your self. Your body begins to relax as your mind transcends daily clutter. Negative thoughts are dramatically swept away by brilliant flashes of insight and understanding. You may feel as though you are gliding on beams of light as your soul soars to the highest ethers of universal knowledge and creativity.

More Benefits:
Feelings of wholeness and well-being.  Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate.

BrainSync - Attract Wealth

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How you feel about wealth creates a magnetic energy field that attracts similar circumstances and people into your life.  With subliminal brain wave therapy, your mind relaxes into heightened states of receptivity where messages of abundant prosperity are effortlessly absorbed.  As the messages are received and retained by your subconscious mind, you'll radiate an energy field that attracts money and wealth to you.  Your new beliefs about wealth begin attracting ideas, people and happy coincidences that support you in making prosperity a living, breathing reality in your life.

Subliminal Message:
My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth; I allow it to flow freely and generously in my life.
Money is good. Money is energy. Money flows to me easily.
The Universe is my benefactor. I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do.
I deserve happiness, ease and abundance. I deserve prosperity.
The more I enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others, the more money I make.
I am richly rewarded for all that I give. I love my life.
New sources of prosperity flow into my life with grace and ease.
I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities to increase my net worth. I am a magnet for money.
Money comes to me through expected channels and unexpected channels.
Everything in my life flows perfectly. There is so much to be grateful for.
Prosperity is everywhere at all times. I claim my right to a prosperous life.
I am building a strong financial foundation that supports all of my life.
I am sensible with money and manage it wisely.
Opportunities to succeed abound. Everything I need to generate wealth is available to me right now.
I am aligned with love, truth and integrity. I am divinely guided in all my affairs.
Through the great law of attraction, everything I need for my work and fulfillment comes to me.
Even now, the answers to all my needs are speeding their way to me.